Exterior view of Casa Rocamora, Barcelona
This Spanish-Elizabethan palazzo in the district of El Putxet houses one of the most highly prized collections of Alcora pottery, and 19th- and 20th-century drawings, paintings and sculptures. It is the former home of the art lover and collector Manuel Rocamora Vidal. Discover all its treasures! (Guided Tour)

This equipment has the following discounts for the different Barcelona Cards


Contact details

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C/Ballester, 12
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Open Hours

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Saturday from March to May and from October to December; 10am English, 11.15am Spanish, 12.30pm Catalan.
Summer nights: Thursday from June to September (visit + vermut/soft drink); 19pm EnglishL/Catalan and 20pm Catalan/Spanish.
Length: 1 hour.
Children under 7 free admission.


Metro Icon
L3, Lesseps
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16, 17, 22, 27, 28, 74, 92
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FGC: Padua/Putxet

Barcelona Card

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